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According to Wikipedia, misery loves company is an idiom referring to the observation that one person’s misery makes others miserable…

I felt grumpy today and realizing I’m grumpy makes me grumpier.

Instead of trying to cheer myself up I found myself looking for more reasons to feel nasty.

When you are having a bad day one thing after another seems to go wrong. Have you noticed this? It gets so ridiculous that if you stop a minute to think about it, the situation starts to become funny.

I’m not a mean-spirited person and although there are days I feel that way, I don’t believe I want to make others miserable.

But who wants to hang around with a grump? I don’t. When I feel this way I make a judgement that this is bad, and automatically that judgement sends me farther into the cave. Resisting it makes it stronger.

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