akemi1Welcome back everyone.

I’m excited to continue with the second part of our interview with Akemi. Thanks for joining us again!

For anyone who has not read Part 1 please check it out. The topics were intuition, the ego and spirit guides.

Today Akemi will be talking about déjà vu moments, light bodies, dreaming and out of body experiences. Ok, let’s get started then….

1. Akemi, I’ve had many déjà vu experiences where I’ve been doing or saying something that I felt I’d done before. What is happening when a person experiences this? Is it a memory from a recent dream or perhaps a soul confirmation that they are connecting with “part of the plan”?

This is a very interesting question. I do think some of our déjà vu experiences and sticky dreams (the kind of dreams that you remember to be so real) have something to do with our soul memory.

Davina: So, you are saying we could possibly be connecting with part of a preconceived plan that we made before incarnating?

Akemi: Maybe. Or maybe we did or said something very similar in our past lives. Can you share an example with us, Davina?

Davina: Nothing specific comes to mind. But generally it happens when I’m having a conversation with someone and suddenly I feel like I’ve been with this person before. We were doing the exact same thing, sitting in the exact same room, even wearing the same clothes. A lot of information flashes at me in a split second. It’s like we’re acting out a rehearsed scene.

2. You’ve mentioned that we are moving into a new style of existence called “light bodies.” What does this mean?

This is something I’m hoping to happen in year 2012. Just joking. It would be nice if it were that easy (if we could become light bodies just waiting for another several years), but I guess it takes more spiritual work for each of us to achieve such high level of existence.

It is a fact, however, that we are evolving fast spiritually these days. This is why so many people are seeking help like mine to get past the existing roadblocks in their growth. And many of us sense that spiritual growth will lead to a new style of “physical” existence as well.

Currently we have this physical body, which is very dense and heavy. I’m only 112 lbs so I’m not “heavy” but still, for my soul, this body feels small to fit in and cumbersome to carry around. I heard that we are evolving and ascending to a less dense existence called a light body. It is probably similar to our astral body, but because I haven’t achieved this yet, I don’t know what it is like. It’s something I look forward to in my own spiritual development.

Davina: Hmmm. Ok, this makes me wonder if this does come to pass, (says my other self as I go completely out on a limb here), what use will our bodies be then? I mean, we won’t need our bodies then? Will we need food? How important will the environment be in that case? I don’t even begin to expect an answer to THAT one! But if you do have a comment I’d love to hear it.

Akemi: Oh, I think it will be fun! I imagine I can move so much faster as a light body (I’d fly, or move even faster than flying!!). Food? Why bother? I wonder how long a light body would “live”. Now remember, I don’t claim to know this – I just think this may be a possibility, and I resonate a lot with the idea.

3. Can you say more about why this is happening or what this means by saying that spiritually we are evolving quickly these days?

I think it is pretty obvious that we are accelerating our spiritual evolution these days. Just look at the increased interest in spirituality or “paranormal” phenomena! (I think the term “paranormal” is discriminative because it comes with the preconceived idea of what normal is.)

A few years ago I might have been sent to a mental institution if I said I could see or hear what others can’t. Now there are universities that teach spirituality (not religions) and metaphysics. Many doctors are embracing the idea of medical intuitives or reincarnation, and “ordinary” people are practicing meditation and experimenting with the law of attraction. Pretty cool.

4. Life has become fast-paced and circumstances can change in an instant. Would a person be wise to reconsider an intuitive decision based on this?

Davina, intuitive messages are not like the 10 Commandments carved on a stone. (Davina blushes.) Spirit guides don’t get upset just because we fail to follow their advice and they don’t punish us for not following through. They are helpers. Yes, they have higher perspectives than we do and therefore are incredibly helpful, but they also respect our initiative. We are the players in this world and we hired our own spirit guides who can help us.

Any decision, made by intuition or logics, is best served when it is updated as we go along. Now the good news of intuitive decision making is it’s the fastest of all. It’s so useful in this fast-paced society!

I’m confident that, as the world becomes increasingly accelerated, more people will find intuitive decision making to be useful and valuable. The time when we can sit back with logic and “proven” facts or methods is ending.

5. I dream quite frequently and sometimes they are very vivid dreams. Once I dreamed I’d won the lottery. I woke up and the dream had been so real that I was laying there planning what I was going to do with the money. When I finally “came to my senses” you can imagine how disappointed I was.

What role do dreams play in our lives? Why can they often be so unrealistic, yet feel so real? And what is the difference between dreaming and lucid dreaming?

Oh, I’m so sorry to hear you missed the lottery 😉 What were the things you wanted to do with the money? If I were you, I’d still put them up in my vision board for the law of attraction. . .

There are many kinds of dreams. Some dreams are just our mind re-processing what it experienced. The experience may be real or something you saw in a movie or in a book, and it may be a recent or old experience, or a combination.

Some people “work” through their dreams. They have many dreams but the dreams don’t make sense to them. It’s a way their soul is helping other souls, and my advice for this kind of dreamer is “Don’t over-analyze your dreams.” (Davina sighs with relief.)

Some go to the wrong side of the dream world either by accident or by negative energy interference. This is really harmful – the person ends up having some kind of sleep problems such as nightmares (the negative side of the dream world is a very ugly place), insomnia (because the mind is so afraid of going there again), night terrors in children, or dreamless sleep (because the mind dismisses the horrible dreams immediately at waking up). It is one of the energetic issues I clear with my Akashic Record Readings.

Then, there are dreams that are spiritual messages. They would feel special. It may be the soul memory of its past lives, or it may be premonitions.

Lucid dreaming is a situation where you are aware you are dreaming while you are dreaming. Because you know it’s a dream, you can choose to do things you can’t do in the “real” world. Some people seem to really enjoy this.

Davina: Wow, I had no idea there were so many different types of dreaming!

6. Ok Akemi, here is a personal story that I’m hoping you can shed some light on.

This happened to me many years ago during a meditation. I was lying down, feeling completely relaxed and listening to a meditation exercise on a cassette tape. Suddenly my feet started to feel heavy, numb and tingly. Like that feeling you get when you sit on your legs and they fall asleep. However, I wasn’t sitting, I was lying down.

This feeling quickly moved up my legs and I felt my body start to sit up effortlessly. I fought against this in fear. Then gently and in slow motion, my head “appeared to turn” and look at the bedside table. I know my head did not move physically; I was too paralyzed with fear to move! I know, I know… this sounds crazy, but it happened!

I saw on the table some greeting cards (that also were not there physically). While I looked at these cards they quivered slightly as if a light breeze was passing over them. I was totally freaked out!

This experience ended with me staring at the ceiling thinking I was losing my mind. It was the middle of the afternoon and I was not dreaming. Do you have any insights about what might have happened? Was this the beginning of an out-of-body experience?

Akemi: From your reading, I see that you are one of those lucky people with extra gifts for that kind of out-of-body or astral projection experience. Some people seem to enjoy this – you can travel to far off lands fast! Just don’t come to my bedroom to surprise me at night *smile*.

We have an astral body, which can look like our physical body but is far less dense. It is usually with the physical body, but it can move out from our physical body either by your intention or by accident, like it happened to you.

Davina: Thanks for this explanation Akemi, and don’t worry, I’m not planning on taking any astral trips (at least that I can be aware of) anytime soon. As intriguing an idea as this sounds, I’m not comfortable with it. Funny, I never enjoyed air travel either *smile*.

On that note everyone, I’d like to conclude our time with Akemi. Thank you for sharing all of this with us. It has been quite interesting and has certainly challenged my logical mind. I’m sure the ego is a little uncomfortable too, but I’ll be having a talk with him or her soon.

If you want to learn more about Akemi and her Akashic Record Readings or her Spirit Guide Readings, please check out the provided links.

I hope you enjoyed Part 2 of our interview. If there are any questions, again please ask Akemi below in the comments section. Thanks again for reading, and sweet dreams!